Friday, 1 April 2011

Population of India touches 121 crore mark

According to Census 2011 data, Indian population increased by 121 crores. In last 10 years, Indian population increased by 18.10 crores that is equivalent to current population of Brazil. India got 17.5% part of total world population.

In 121 crores, Men are 62.37 crores and Women 58.65 crores. India achieved a considerable growth in education sector. In comparison with 2001, only 64.83% people were educated but in current census, there are 74.04% educated. India maintains a second position with 17.5% of total world population and China is in first position with 19.4% part of population. In India, Uttar Pradesh has the highest population of 19.90 crores. Lakshadweep has a lesser population of 64,429. The aggregate population of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra is greater than the population of United States.

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